Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Blackout

The blackout was creepy for the fish and us! On the dreadful day of March 15, 2017... The wind was so strong... it knocked out the power... The fish were at serious risk...First the lights were flickering...Then at exactly 1:36 pm the power shut down completely everything stopped even the fish equipment. Then a giant tree mercilessly crashed to the ground almost crushing the school. The fish were at serious risk of so many things if the power was out for longer. For example, the oxygen level could of dropped or the water could get too dirty because the filter would not be working.
Over spring break there will be an automatic feeder so people won't have to come from where ever they are to come back and feed the fish. The automatic feeder it is battery powered so if there's a blackout it won't shut down.

By: Thomas Paplawsky and Marylee Wisner

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