Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Anatomy of salmon

External Anatomy - the features outside of a salmon, like the tail fin, also known as the caudal fin. The caudal fin helps them steer like a steering wheel, it helps them swim by propelling them through the water.

 Internal Anatomy - features on the inside of a salmon, like the swim bladder. The swim bladder helps the salmon float in the water.

Salmon Update

Here is  another update on the salmon last week on our salmon were were barely exceeding 1 1/2 inches
and now they are about 1 3/4 inches (The top pic is from last week the bottom is this week) they are swimming more toward the top of the tank because they are bigger and stronger.    
April 19, 2017                                                                                       
                                                                                              April 12, 2017 

The Salmon's Natal Stream

A natal stream is their stream where they are born. It´s important because when fish are in their natal stream  they leave to the sea water. But then they go back to their natal stream to lay eggs, where hungry bears are sometimes waiting to eat them!
Image result for bears eating salmon

Image result for salmons natal streamImage result for salmon natal stream map in michigan

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

We're Making an ABC Book

Our whole class is making a book about our salmon. We are making an ABC Book About Salmon. An ABC book is where you have information about the topic for each letter. For example, I am letter G. I can either do Great Lakes or Gravel. I think I want to do great lakes. Anneke is letter I, Marylee is letter M and she is doing migration, Thomas is letter T.

Our class is making a Salmon ABC book!
First, before we were assigned our letters, we looked at examples from the library, and all my classmates got a different book. While we were looking for examples for our ABC salmon book,
and we were using sticking sticky notes in the books for text features. Here are two books we looked at:

How we picked how to do our ABCs book -
(1) Previewed books.
(2) Picked a format.
(3) Picked what letter each student is going to do. After every kid got a letter, we started to research.
(4) Researching: We all got a Chromebook and started to research our letter. We went to Google to get information. We also looked in books.
(5)When we got all our information we made a slide on it on our Google drive and shared it with our teachers.
(6) We made a rubric for everyone to follow so the book pages will all look the same.
(7) We had to revise some pages, change some font and add some things to some pages.

We're still working on it but we're getting close to being done! 

The Blackout

The blackout was creepy for the fish and us! On the dreadful day of March 15, 2017... The wind was so strong... it knocked out the power... The fish were at serious risk...First the lights were flickering...Then at exactly 1:36 pm the power shut down completely everything stopped even the fish equipment. Then a giant tree mercilessly crashed to the ground almost crushing the school. The fish were at serious risk of so many things if the power was out for longer. For example, the oxygen level could of dropped or the water could get too dirty because the filter would not be working.
Over spring break there will be an automatic feeder so people won't have to come from where ever they are to come back and feed the fish. The automatic feeder it is battery powered so if there's a blackout it won't shut down.

By: Thomas Paplawsky and Marylee Wisner