Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Helpful Maintenance Chart

Yeah I know, BORING Maintenance Chart but I'm gonna spice it up a little bit. The maintenance chart is how we keep track of everything that goes on in the tank. The caretakers are in charge of the chart. Their job is to take care of the salmon and write down their growth, water percentages, deaths and when to feed the fish.
Here are some of the things they keep track of:
  • From the 16th of November to December 5th there have been 12 deaths and the pH average is 6.8. 
  • The nitrate average was 20 and the nitrite average was 10  
  • The Alkalinity average was 120 
  • The chlorine was 0 as you probably guessed and the average hardness was 150. 
  • Finally the thing you've all been waiting for, the deaths. There was 12 deaths. 
P.S That was the most bloody month : )

The caretakers of the salmon do lots of stuff, like cleaning out old water and putting in new water. They are the ones who take care of the maintenance chart too. They have to turn off everything when they do tests on the water and it takes about 10 minutes each day. 

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