Thursday, January 14, 2016

Swimming With Salmon

The salmon swimming motion is a lot like a sharks. It uses its tail or the caudal fin to propel itself through the water and uses its pectoral fin to steer. 
The Chinook Salmons top underwater speed is 3.58 m/s but can jump out of the water with a speed of 6.26 m/s.

As a fry, salmon have two different fins where the Anal fin is located but as it goes through the next 2 stages those two fins begin to mash together creating 1 whole fin.
 The Chinook Salmon can change direction really, really fast, which comes in handy when a lot of different animals want them on there dinner plate.
The Salmons color changes a lot as it grows up as well. First of all the start out by looking slightly transparent. But as they grow up they gain some stripes but those stripes eventually fade into dots.
making the one of a kind chinook salmon.

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