Once we were done releasing the salmon, we went to different stations. The first station we went to was fly fishing. Mr. Miller brought rods and taught us how to fly fish. The next station was playing Sharks and Minnows. The third station was Salmon Survival, a Life Cycle of Salmon game, but it was extremely impossible to win! Adrianne, Anneke and Marylee all made it to the third stage (smolt) and Gibson made it to the 2nd stage, but Thomas never made it past the first stage. Henry S. made it to spawn!
The last station was looking for insects and other microorganisms on rocks, sticks and wood from the river. We found two parasites, lots of blood suckers, and a couple bigger insects. We found the most from the rotting wood. We had to scratch, scrape, look in the muck and pull apart the rotting wood to find what we were looking for.
Our advice for next year's bloggers: Assign roles, such as Title Maker. (That was Thomas this year!)
Adrianne, Anneke, Gibson, Marylee, and Thomas