Friday, March 18, 2016


There are a lot of important tools that we use in a daily bases like the: 

Strainer: the strainer is used to make sher the  fish do not get out or go into the sink  the strainer looks like this...........


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Predators and Prey

                       Predators and Prey

Known Predators: Striped Bass (Monroe saxatives), American Shad (Alosa Sapidissimo), Sculpins (Cottoidei), Gulls (Laridae), Bears (Ursinae), Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca), Sea lions (Otariidae), Seals (Phocidae), Otters (Lutrinae), Eagles (Accipitridae), Terns (Laridae), Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae).

Prey:Bloater, Alewife, Round gobby, Rainbow smelt, and Slimy sculpin fish. Some prey of young Chinook salmon are insects, Larvae, and Crustaceans.

Questions and answers

Molly-Why do bigger salmon survive and smaller salmon don't?
                  A: Why because the littler fish cant swim as good as the bigger fish

Paige - What is the smallest type of salmon?
              A: pink salmon  is the smallest type of salmon  they only get up to 30 inches and up to 12 pounds and the average is 3 to 5\

Chris-how long do salmon  usaly live?

         A:salmon live 2 to 7 years
Paige- do salmon have bones
            A: yes salmon do have bones